Saturday, July 08, 2006

Vacation: Sunnyside Up

For my first trip to Asia, I'm going to Vietnam. Most of my relatives of a certain age look at me with horror when I mention this. That's fair; but I hope to uncover more there than their recollections.

At this point, all I've uncovered is 22 hours in coach, with 2 more to go. I'm in Hong Kong Airport now, blogging from a terminal near gate 24. My last day of eating consisted of a lot of airplane food. Most ironically, my last option: pasta or noodles? Variations on a theme, but the irony was lost on my flight attendant (noodles, clearly a chinese dish, came with black bean chicken; pasta italiano, came with four cheeses). Why can't we all just get along, culinarily? C'mon, isn't it time for a creamy gorgonzola black bean sauce?

Made me think warmly of one of my last home made meals, a perfect sunnyside up egg. I was making breakfast one morning for a friend who claimed he could show me a trick for a perfect egg. The trick I knew was to heat the oven, get the egg going in a buttery skillet, then finish it in the oven to cook the slimey white that never cooks properly on the stove top.

(Running for the plane...will give the recipe when next I post, in Vietnam!)


Blogger Sherri said...

Hey ! Please post some recipes from your trip :) Did you go to any cooking schools out there ?

10:29 AM  

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